Endometriosis And Leg Pain: Is There A Connection?

Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects over 6.5 million women in the US alone – but no two people will experience the same symptoms or impact on their lives. You may have nothing more than mild discomfort or, conversely, deal with debilitating pain, excessive bleeding, vomiting, fatigue, and infertility

Over half of those with endometriosis also experience severe leg pain. Although this is often considered a secondary problem, it should not be overlooked: intense pain spreading through the buttock, leg, and foot can lead to mobility issues, reduced work performance, and disability, thus having a profound impact on your life. 

But what can make it worse is the fact that, often, leg pain related to endometriosis is misdiagnosed and poorly managed, leaving sufferers to experience the worst consequences of their condition. Fortunately, there is a lot that can be done without resorting to medications or surgery. 

The protocol pioneered by Neuragenex – Neurofunctional Pain Management – uses a range of whole-person, non-invasive, and non-drug approaches to treat the systemic inflammation at the root of this symptom

Beyond simply easing pain, Neurofunctional Pain Management can provide you with concrete tools to manage your condition and magnify your quality of life. Let’s explore what you need to know. 

Can Endometriosis Cause Leg Pain? 

A lot is yet to be understood about how endometriosis causes leg pain. However, research has started to highlight the mechanisms that link these two conditions. To better understand what happens in your body when you experience endometriosis-related leg pain, let’s start by taking a step back and uncovering the dynamics of endometriosis. 

The uterus, also called the womb, is the pear-shaped organ in a woman’s pelvis responsible for certain sexual and reproductive functions, including menstruation, gestation, and labor. The uterus is lined with endometrial tissue, also known as endometrium, which grows and thickens during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle to prepare the womb for a fertilized egg.

During the early stages of pregnancy, the endometrium is responsible for providing the fertilized egg with the oxygen, nutrients, and protection needed to support fetal growth. However, if no egg is fertilized, the body sheds the endometrium through menstruation. During each menstrual cycle, new endometrium is formed and, if not needed, expelled through the vagina. 

Endometriosis occurs when the endometrial tissue begins to grow outside of the uterus. These abnormal growths, known as endometrial implants, cause severe inflammation, cysts, scarring, and adhesions, which bind the organs in the pelvis together. 

Left unaddressed, these complications can prevent organs from functioning normally and even lead to infertility, a complication reported by 30-50% of women with endometriosis

The endometrial implants can start to spread across organs and tissues surrounding the uterus, including:

  • The exterior walls of the uterus
  • Ovaries
  • Fallopian tubes
  • Bladder
  • Rectum
  • Cervix
  • The pelvic cavity
  • Vagina 
  • The nerves close to the uterus 

What causes endometriosis to progress and worsen over time is the fact that the endometrial implants outside of the uterus behave in the same way as the endometrium inside the uterus. 

Following the hormonal changes that occur during the menstrual cycle, the endometrial implants continue to grow and thicken during each cycle – but, unlike the endometrium inside the uterus, they can’t easily leave the body. 

This process leads to the abnormal accumulation of endometrial tissue, which can cause trapped blood in the ovaries, blockages of the fallopian tubes, adhesions between organs, and scar tissue on reproductive organs. 

The most common symptoms of endometriosis include severe pain during menstruation and intercourse, nausea and vomiting, excessive bleeding, pelvic pain, and pain when urinating or passing stools. However, in some cases, it can also cause leg pain. 

This leg pain occurs when one or more of the nerves surrounding the uterus and other organs in the pelvis are inflamed, compressed, or damaged. When this happens, the transmission of motor and sensory signals to and from the brain is compromised. 

This can lead to pain, numbness, and paresthesia (tingling and “pins and needles” sensations). These symptoms can be caused by several factors, including:

  • Endometrial implants that grow on the nerves in the pelvis, such as the sciatic or obturator nerves, cause scarring and lesions. 
  • Inflammation that affects organs and tissues around the uterus can cause swelling, which may lead to surrounding nerves becoming entrapped or compressed
  • Inflammation affects blood vessels, which can impact blood circulation and cut off the supply of nutrients and oxygen to nerves, thus leading to the damage and death of nerve fibers
  • genetic factors can be a contributing cause of endometriosis, but there is no “endomometriosis gene.”

What Does Leg Pain From Endometriosis Feel Like? 

Leg pain is non-specific, which makes it difficult to diagnose properly. And it is even more challenging to determine with certainty whether this symptom arises from endometriosis. 

Nonetheless, understanding what leg pain from endometriosis feels like is important, so you can seek adequate diagnosis and avoid taking medications for days on end – medications that do very little aside from masking symptoms and causing side effects. 

Learning to identify when your symptoms are associated with endometriosis is even more crucial in light of the fact that around 90% of people experiencing the signs of this condition are disbelieved or dismissed by healthcare providers and loved ones alike. 

Let’s start by understanding that leg pain from endometriosis is often described as stabbing or throbbing, and its intensity increases during menstruation (when the endometrial implants grow and thicken). 

It can also feel different from the usual muscle cramping or soreness and can be associated with a pulling feeling in the leg, tingling sensations, numbness, or heaviness. The pain can be so severe as to prevent walking or physical activity and cause severe mobility issues for days each month. 

Other symptoms include:

Here are the symptoms you may experience when your leg pain is caused by endometriosis. 

Heaviness In The Legs

When the nerves around the uterus are damaged or compressed, they become less efficient in sending and receiving signals relating to sensations and movement. These same nerves also spread toward and connect the lower extremities, which can lead to abnormal sensations in the legs. 

Impaired sensory signals can lead to numbness, tingling, and “pins and needles” sensations, while damaged or compressed motor nerves will interfere with normal muscle movements. The combination of these two actions can result in feelings of heaviness in the legs, or a sensation that something is pulling or pushing the affected area. 

Pain Radiating From The Lower Back To The Foot

If you have noticed that pain radiates from your pelvis to the lower back, through the leg, and toward the foot, you may have what’s known as sciatic endometriosis. This condition occurs when the endometrial implants grow on, compress, or cause lesions to the sciatic nerve. 

The sciatic nerve is the largest and longest nerve in the human body, running from the lower back down the back of each leg. It controls the muscles of the back of the leg and provides sensation to parts of the leg and the foot. 

When this nerve becomes compressed or damaged, it can misfire, leading to sharp pain sensations that appear as sharp or stabbing. It can also lead to numbness, cramps, and spasms. 

Pain That Can Be Felt On One Or Both Sides

If the endometrial implants are affecting only the nerves on one side of the body, you are likely to experience pain in just one leg. This can be the case if the sciatic nerve is affected, or if the abnormal endometrial growths are affecting the obturator nerve, which controls the movement (adduction) of the thigh. 

However, studies have shown that nearly 60% of women with endometriosis-related leg pain experience painful sensations and numbness in both legs. 

This aspect is important in determining what’s causing your pain. For example, in people with leg pain caused by sciatica, the symptoms are commonly localized in one leg, as only one of the two sciatica nerves is usually affected. If both legs hurt at the time, the culprit may be endometrial growth.

Pain That Gets Worse With Menstruation

You’ll know if your leg pain is stemming from endometriosis if the discomfort intensifies with menstruation. With each menstrual cycle, the endometrial implants continue to grow and thicken, adding up to inflammation and lesions. 

During your menstruation, the body triggers a series of reactions to shed the unneeded endometrium, including cramping. These reactions can intensify the pain you experience, as well as the levels of inflammation caused by endometrial implants outside of the uterus. 

Where In Your Legs Does It Hurt?

Depending on what nerves are damaged or compressed by endometriosis, you may experience nerve pain in one or more locations in your lower extremities.

The nerves most commonly affected by endometriosis, due to their location, include:

  • The sciatic nerve, which provides innervation to some areas of the thigh, leg, and foot
  • The obturator nerve, which innervates the muscles of the thigh and is essential for movements such as adduction. If damaged, it can cause pain in the groin and inner thigh.
  • The femoral nerve, which starts near the groin and is the main nerve in the thigh
  • The pudendal nerve, which runs through the perineum and buttocks. It is responsible for innervating the genital area and, if affected, can cause pain in the vagina, urethra, and rectum. 

Common areas of pain include:

  • Outside of the legs. Pain in the outer part of the knees or the outer area of the lower leg and foot occurs when the branch of the sciatic nerve called the common peroneal nerve is affected. 
  • Back of thighs and calves. Pain in these areas occurs when the tibial and medial plantar nerves, which are branches of the sciatic nerves, are affected. 
  • Knees. Knee pain can occur when the tibial or common peroneal nerves are damaged. 

Home Remedies To Manage The Pain

Certain risk factors for leg pain related to endometriosis, such as height and age, are non-modifiable. However, other contributors, such as weight gain, stress levels, and lifestyle, can be modified through adequate interventions. 

Additionally, some self-care strategies, home remedies, and medications may help relieve your symptoms. However, since these therapies won’t help in treating endometriosis and can lead to side effects, it is always recommended that you consult a specialized healthcare professional.

Let’s look at what you can do to address your symptoms below. 

Heat Or Cold Packs 

Heat packs, such as heating pads and hot water bottles, can provide relief from pain by relaxing muscles, easing tensions, and reducing cramping. Alternatively, ice packs applied to your legs or buttocks can slow down the blood flow around the affected area, thus reducing inflammation, swelling, and stiffness. 

Consider trying out both strategies to find what works best for you. In either case, be sure to protect your skin from extreme heat or cold by wrapping the packs in a protective cloth. 

Yoga And Meditation

According to a 2022 study, mindfulness meditation, breathing exercises, and mind-body activities like yoga may help relieve endometriosis pain. These activities provide beneficial effects by:

  • Relieving stress and muscle tensions, which may be contributing to cramping and heightened pain perception 
  • Gently stretching the muscles of the buttocks, thighs, calves, and feet, which can reduce the pressure on surrounding nerves
  • Releasing chemicals that induce a generalized sense of well-being, such as endorphins
  • Distracting the mind from the pain and stress. This is the case for certain practices, such as guided visualization or chanting. 

You may also consider working with a mental health professional to help you address the emotional and psychological effects of dealing with chronic pain. 


Massage therapies, as well as alternative therapies such as acupuncture, may help relieve pain by easing muscle tension, stimulating the circulation of blood around the affected area, and inducing sensations of relaxation and well-being. 

While massage therapy may help some patients with endometriosis, the outcomes can vary from one person to another and may not persist after a treatment is discontinued

Oral Medications

If self-care strategies and at-home remedies are not effective, certain oral medications can help. The most commonly prescribed therapies for endometriosis pain include:

  • NSAIDs. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, can help temporarily relieve pain and discomfort. However, these drugs don’t cure the disease and, when taken long-term, may expose you to side effects such as gastric ulcers, kidney problems, and a higher risk of heart attack and stroke. 
  • Hormonal therapies. Hormonal therapies, such as hormonal birth control, may be used to reduce the production of the hormones that regulate ovulation and menstruation. This prevents the endometrial implants from thickening during your menstrual cycle and causing pain, but they can interfere with your plans of becoming pregnant. 
  • Nerve blocks. Nerve blocks are delivered in the form of injections, and they work by preventing nerves from misfiring and sending pain signals to the brain. They may have severe side effects, including elevated blood sugar, weight gain, soreness, and bleeding. 
  • Muscle relaxers. Muscle relaxers can reduce spasms and cramps and relieve the pressure on surrounding nerves. They can cause adverse effects such as drowsiness, dizziness, headache, nausea, and fatigue. 

Other options include vaginal valium, injections such as Botox, and anticonvulsants. Laparoscopic surgery to remove portions of the abnormal endometrial tissue may be recommended if other treatments have not worked or if the leg pain is interfering with your daily life. 

Topical Treatments 

Topical ointments, such as tiger balm, and pain-relieving creams, like topical ibuprofen, can help you manage leg soreness and pain, especially when it is localized to a certain area. Other commonly used topical medications include lidocaine, Icy Hot, and Voltaren.

When placed or rubbed on the painful and inflamed areas, topical treatments can temporarily reduce inflammation and pain. In the case of an irritated sciatic nerve, placing these medications on your lower back (which is where the sciatic nerve stems from), can provide an anti-inflammatory effect throughout the nerve and its branches. 

When To See A Doctor

With endometriosis, the pain you experience isn’t always related to the severity of your condition. You may have extensive endometrial implants and no pain – vice-versa, even mild endometrial growths can cause intense discomfort. Because of this, it is crucial to speak to a doctor immediately as soon as you notice any symptom that may relate to endometriosis. 

In particular, you should seek medical care if:

  • The leg pain develops suddenly and becomes severe
  • At-home remedies are ineffective and your pain is getting worse
  • The leg pain is accompanied by other symptoms, such as excessive bleeding, blood in the urine, and pelvic pain
  • The pain has started to interfere with your daily life and mental health 

It is important to keep in mind that if the endometrial implants have started to damage or irritate nerves, they can lead to permanent lesions and damage. This can cause you to develop severe or chronic neuropathy (nerve pain), which can persist even after treatments have removed the abnormal endometrial growths. Studies report that around half of people with endometriosis show signs of neuropathic pain and nerve damage.

Diagnosing Endometriosis-Related Leg Pain

Leg pain from endometriosis remains incredibly challenging to diagnose, especially when no other symptoms are present. However, if you suspect that you have endometriosis, your doctor may carry out a series of diagnostic tests to rule out other possible causes of leg pain, such as sciatica, peripheral artery disease, or deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

Some diagnostic tools your doctor may use include:

  • A review of your medical history 
  • A survey regarding your symptoms and their nature, intensity, and location (e.g. if the leg pain intensifies during menstruation)
  • A thorough physical examination
  • A pelvic exam
  • Imaging and ultrasound tests, such as CT scans, MRI scans, or transvaginal ultrasounds (these are recommended if a pelvic exam points to endometriosis as the source of leg pain)
  • Surgeries such as laparoscopy, which allow the surgeon to view and remove endometrial implants

Certain tests for neuropathy, such as skin biopsies, nerve conduction tests, and electromyograms may also be used. These tests aim to determine the number of nerve fibers under the skin, as well as their capability to send and receive signals. Neurological tests may also be prescribed. 

Find Relief From Your Monthly Lower Body Pain

If you have endometriosis, you may be suffering from severe pain, discomfort, and disability for several days each month. And, over time, pain medications may become ineffective in helping you manage your symptoms, while also causing side effects. 

However, a diagnosis of endometriosis does not have to be condemnation to living with severe pain or enduring inadequate treatments. Through Neurofunctional Pain Management, you can address the inflammation at the root of endometriosis-related leg pain and magnify your quality of life without medications or surgery


What Not To Do With Plantar Fasciitis

Are you currently experiencing plantar fasciitis? This frustrating condition generates stabbing or aching pains along the bottom of your foot, particularly in your heel. It is a common condition that causes inflammation of the plantar fascia, the band of tissue connecting the heel bone to the toes. 

While the treatment for plantar fasciitis is quite simple, consisting of rest and recovery measures, it is also difficult in that it can take several weeks to heal completely. If you do not take precautions, your plantar fasciitis will not go away on its own. Throughout your recovery, it’s important to avoid habits that may exacerbate symptoms and make the condition worse. 

This comprehensive guide will explore what not to do with plantar fasciitis and highlight the common mistakes people make that can aggravate this painful condition. 

Importantly, we will share some of the best exercises for managing the painful symptoms of plantar fasciitis and discover the steps you can take, including innovative therapies that can enhance the healing process.

Before we get into the beneficial pain management strategies, let’s first explore some of the worst things to do with plantar fasciitis.

Going Barefoot And Not Wearing Proper Shoes

Taking good care of your feet is arguably the most critical aspect of managing plantar fasciitis. Some people think that going barefoot or wearing flat shoes might help stretch out the plantar fascia, but the truth is that going barefoot can reduce stability and increase impactful shocks along the bottom of your foot, eventually exacerbating symptoms.

This is why it’s important to wear shoes if you are currently dealing with plantar fasciitis, and when choosing which shoes to wear, look for the following features:

Best Shoes To Wear For Support

  • Arch support: Shoes with good arch support help to distribute pressures evenly across your foot, reducing stress on the plantar fascia.
  • Cushioning: Choose shoes with lots of cushioning in the heel and forefoot areas. Adequately cushioned shoes absorb shock and reduce the impact on your feet.
  • Proper fit: Ensure your shoes fit well with at least half an inch in the toe box and secure heel and ankle support.
  • Stability: Shoes with a sturdy sole and heel counter provide stability and help prevent overpronation. This is when your foot rolls inward too much while walking or running and is a common issue in plantar fasciitis.

Alongside adequate footwear, stretching is an important part of managing plantar fasciitis. Let’s have a look at why some people may take stretching exercises a bit further than required. 

Stretching The Calf Muscles Too Aggressively

It’s true that stretching can be beneficial for plantar fasciitis. But this doesn’t mean aggressively stretching your feet at every chance you can get. In fact, over-stretching the plantar fascia when it is already inflamed and painful can actually cause more harm than good. 

To avoid further damage to the plantar fascia, consider these tips for safer plantar fascia stretching:

  • Gentle stretches: Perform gentle foot and calf stretches, concentrating on the supporting muscles such as the plantar fascia, Achilles tendon, and calf muscles.
  • Frequency: Stretch regularly but without overexertion, aiming for mild tension rather than intense discomfort.
  • Duration: Hold each stretch for no more than 20-30 seconds and repeat many times a day, but not to the point of fatigue.

By stretching appropriately, you are protecting your feet from excess strain. 

High-Impact Activities To Avoid

High-impact activities can also put undue strain on your feet and exacerbate plantar fasciitis. To minimize discomfort, consider avoiding or modifying the following activities:

  • Running: High-impact running is likely to aggravate your symptoms. Consider low-impact alternatives like swimming or cycling.
  • Jumping: Activities that involve repeated jumping movements should be avoided to reduce foot stress and tension.
  • Prolonged standing: If your job requires long periods of standing, consider using more supportive footwear and taking regular seated breaks to stretch.
  • Prolonged sitting: Alternatively, prolonged sitting can also worsen symptoms as it reduces blood flow. Remember to take short walks to prevent stiffness.

We are not suggesting that those struggling with plantar fasciitis avoid all physical activity. We’ll discuss why completely limiting all exercise might do more harm than good in the next section. 

Living A Sedentary Lifestyle

While high-impact activities can aggravate plantar fasciitis, living a completely sedentary lifestyle can also be detrimental. If all movement is completely limited, stiffness and muscle weakening can occur, causing the foot and ankle to lose strength and stability. 

When moderate amounts of low-impact exercises are incorporated into your daily routine, it can help maintain good foot health and reduce the risk of further damage to the plantar fascia. Consider exercises like swimming, cycling, gentle yoga, and aquatic aerobics, which are gentle on the feet while promoting overall health.

Let’s take a deeper look into two alternative lifestyle factors that can boost your body’s healing, decrease inflammation, and play a crucial role in effectively managing plantar fasciitis.

Foods To Avoid

Your diet plays a crucial role in your body’s overall health, impacting overall levels of inflammation and important healing processes. Certain foods can exacerbate inflammatory processes, which may worsen plantar fasciitis symptoms. To optimize your recovery, consider reducing or avoiding:

  • Highly processed foods: These often contain high levels of hidden sugar and unhealthy fats, as well as food additives and preservatives that lead to increased levels of inflammation throughout the body.
  • Excessive sugars: Consuming lots of high-sugar foods can also contribute to excess inflammation in the body and reduce efficient healing processes. Try limiting your consumption of sugary snacks and beverages while managing plantar fasciitis symptoms.

Maintaining A Healthy Weight 

Carrying extra weight places added stress on your feet, potentially flattening your arches and causing foot problems, particularly for the plantar fascia. Excess weight also increases the pressure and strain on this vital ligament, impacting your overall foot health.

Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for managing and preventing plantar fasciitis. Adopting a balanced diet and engaging in regular, low-impact exercise can help you control your weight for both plantar fasciitis management and general health and well-being.

In the upcoming sections, we’ll begin sharing some helpful exercises and alternative treatment therapies that can reduce the pain and inflammation associated with plantar fasciitis, helping you on your road to recovery. 

Exercises You Can Do

If you’re currently managing plantar fasciitis, completing a range of targeted stretches and exercises can help reduce discomfort and promote healing. Stretches aim to loosen the tight plantar fascia and calf muscles and reduce strain throughout inflamed areas. 

Movement and exercises stimulate important blood flow to affected areas of the foot, which increases the availability of essential nutrients, oxygen, and healing properties that promote the repair and recovery of damaged tissues.

Furthermore, when the underlying causes of plantar fasciitis aren’t adequately addressed, this condition has a tendency to re-occur. Implementing a regular stretching and exercise routine enhances the strength and flexibility of the foot’s supporting structures. 

Conditioning also serves as a valuable preventive measure, reducing the likelihood of future flare-ups and offering lasting relief.

We have carefully selected the exercises listed below, as we believe they are particularly effective at addressing the underlying muscle issues associated with plantar fasciitis.

Toe Curls 

Sitting either on the floor or in a chair, cross one ankle over the opposite leg and rest it just above the knee.

Wrap one hand over your toes while supporting your ankle with the other.

Slowly pull your toes back towards your torso. You should feel the bottom of your foot and calf gently stretching. It’s important not to pull too hard. A gentle stretch is the goal. 

Hold this stretch for approximately 20 seconds, then release. Repeat this exercise two to three times for each foot, whichever feels best for you. 

Wall-Facing Calf Stretch

Stand up facing a wall and place your hands against the wall at around eye level.

Step one foot back, keeping it straight, with the heel flat on the floor. 

Then slowly begin bending the front knee while maintaining the straight back leg. You can try leaning forward to feel a deeper stretch in the calf of the back leg. 

Hold this stretch for around 20 seconds and repeat two or three times for each leg.

Heel Raise

Begin with your feet hip-width apart, standing near a wall or table for support. 

Moving both feet at the same time, slowly shift your body weight onto the balls of your feet and toes, raising your heels off the ground.

Hold this raised position for a maximum of four to five seconds, then slowly lower your heels back to the ground. 

Start by performing eight to 10 repetitions of this exercise, and as you become more comfortable, you may progressively increase the number of repetitions.

Rolling Stretch

As you settle into a chair, place a rolling object – a tennis ball, drink bottle, or rolling pin – on the ground in front of you. 

Next, position the object so it is neatly held by the arch of your foot. Then, begin gently rolling the object back and forth using your foot, applying light pressure. 

Continue this movement for one to two minutes, then complete the exercise using the opposite foot. Try to manipulate the object to focus on the areas that feel particularly tight or tender.

Being consistent with these exercises and performing them daily for plantar fasciitis pain will help you get the best results. 

While conditioning exercises can often help manage the pain of plantar fasciitis, they may not always be sufficient, particularly for those who experience re-occurring episodes of plantar fasciitis. 

Over-the-counter medications can offer temporary relief, but prolonged use is generally not recommended. So, what are some other ways to relieve the pain and discomfort of plantar fasciitis? To wrap up, we’ll end this article by exploring an alternative option that doesn’t involve pharmaceuticals.

There Are Effective Treatment Options For Plantar Fasciitis

Managing plantar fasciitis pain and preventing its occurrence is about making informed choices and avoiding the movements and habits that can worsen the condition. 

Choosing proper footwear and engaging in gentle stretches and low-impact exercises can help ease discomfort, improve healing, and build vital strength and flexibility. Remember that your lifestyle and dietary choices will play a significant role in your recovery and overall foot health.

For individuals who are experiencing stubborn plantar fasciitis foot pain and are seeking advanced pain relief options, Neuragenex specializes in Neurofunctional Pain Management. Our approach provides non-pharmaceutical, non-surgical, and non-invasive solutions for managing the pain associated with plantar fasciitis.

The Neuragenex protocol involves a powerful combination of electroanalgesia and IV hydration therapy. Both are specifically designed to reduce pain and inflammation caused by plantar fasciitis and promote healing.

Most importantly, we understand that treating plantar fasciitis involves more than just addressing physical pain. This is why we also provide lifestyle counseling, where we help guide and support you through all aspects of your physical and psychological health, striving to magnify your overall quality of life.

The team at Neuragenex is here to help you take proactive steps toward easing your plantar fasciitis pain. Our goal is to see you enjoy the activities you love again, free from limitations and discomfort.

A Closer Look At Tight Pelvic Floor Muscles Symptoms

The pelvic floor is a group of muscles surrounding your pelvis, connecting the pubic bone in front to the tailbone at the back. It helps support your organs and control bladder and bowel movements. When these muscles become too tight, they can cause several issues that can significantly impact your overall quality of life. 

At Neuragenex, we can treat the underlying neurological factors that are causing the chronic pain and inflammation associated with tight pelvic floor muscles.


Pelvic Floor Muscles

The pelvic floor is made of several layers of muscles, connective tissue, and ligaments. The primary muscles of the pelvic floor include:

  • Levator ani: This is a broad, thin sheet of muscles that lies at the bottom of your pelvis and is divided into the pubococcygeus, puborectalis, and iliococcygeus. This muscle group helps support and raise the pelvic floor.
  • Coccygeus: These muscles are thin and fan-like, connecting the sacrum (the triangular bone towards the base of the spine) to the ischial spine in the back.
  • Endopelvic fascia: The endopelvic fascia connects the urethra, vagina (in women), and rectum to the sidewalls of the pelvis, thereby holding them in place. 


How Tight Pelvic Floor Muscles Cause Pain

When the pelvic floor muscles become tight, they can cause many problems, including chronic pain. This type of pain can radiate from the lower back, down through the legs, and even into the buttocks and groin area. It’s usually described as an intense burning or aching sensation that worsens with movement.

When your pelvic floor muscles tighten, they can squeeze or compress your nerves, which results in pain. Additionally, a tight pelvic floor can put pressure on your organs and cause them to be displaced, leading to additional discomfort. This is why treating any issues you may have with your pelvic floor is vital to prevent chronic pain from developing. 


Common Signs And Symptoms

Unfortunately, tight pelvic floor muscles can cause a wide variety of symptoms. If you experience one or more of the following symptoms, it may be a sign that you have tight pelvic floor muscles. 


Tailbone Pain

Tailbone pain is a common symptom of tight pelvic floor muscles. When the pelvic floor muscles tighten too much, they can pull on the coccyx (tailbone), causing it to press against other structures in the area. This pressure can cause a sharp pain to radiate from your lower back through your legs and even into your buttocks and groin area. This type of pain can worsen with movement or sitting for long periods of time. 


Involuntary Muscle Spasms

Involuntary muscle spasms can be caused by tight pelvic floor muscles. How? When the muscles become too tight, they can cause the nerves in the area to be compressed. This can lead to muscle spasms that you have no control over, making it difficult to perform daily activities such as walking or sitting for long periods.

These spasms can also cause pain in the lower abdomen and groin area, as well as a feeling of heaviness or pressure. Additionally, they may be accompanied by a sense of urgency to urinate or defecate. 


Hip And Pelvic Discomfort

Tight pelvic floor muscles can also cause hip and pelvic discomfort. When the muscles become too tight, they can shift your pelvic bones out of alignment and put pressure on nearby structures such as your hips. This can result in pain in the hips and lower back, as well as a feeling of instability or weakness when you move or stand for long periods of time. 

It’s also important to note that women may experience increased pain in the pelvic region during menstruation. This is due to the hormones released during this time, which can cause further tension and tightness of the pelvic floor muscles.


Pain During Intercourse

You may feel pain during intercourse when the muscles are too tight, as they can lead to tension of the nerves and other structures in the area. This can cause discomfort or pain during sexual penetration and a feeling of tightness or tension that prevents you from enjoying the experience. 


Abdominal Bloating And Tenderness

Tight pelvic floor muscles can also cause abdominal bloating and tenderness. When the muscles become too tight, they can put pressure on your organs, including your stomach, making it feel full even when you haven’t eaten much or are relaxed. Additionally, you may have tenderness in the abdomen due to nerve compression. 



Tight pelvic floor muscles can also lead to constipation. When the muscles become too tight, they can put pressure on your rectum, making it difficult to eliminate waste. This can result in constipation, which can be extremely painful and uncomfortable. This can be accompanied by abdominal bloating and tenderness.


Urinary Symptoms

Tight pelvic floor muscles can cause urinary symptoms such as frequent urination, urinary incontinence, and difficulty starting or stopping urine flow. These symptoms may be due to the compression of your nerves in the pelvic area, which can result in weakened bladder control. In addition to these symptoms, you may also experience a feeling of urgency to empty your bladder. This is caused by the tight muscles squeezing your nerves, making bladder control difficult. 


Pain In The Perineal Area

Pain in the perineal area is another symptom of tight pelvic floor muscles. The perineal area is the area between your rectum and vagina/scrotum. When the pelvic floor muscles tighten too much, they can put pressure on your perineal nerves, resulting in pain that radiates from the lower back through the buttocks and down into the legs. This type of pain is often described as an intense burning sensation. You may also experience a feeling of heaviness or numbness in the perineal area due to nerve compression. 


Increased Stress Or Anxiety

Tight pelvic floor muscles can also cause increased stress and anxiety. This is due to the constant tension in the area, which can lead to feelings of unease or discomfort. Additionally, tight pelvic floor muscles can make it difficult to relax and may interfere with your ability to perform daily activities. 


Pelvic Pressure Or Heaviness

You may also experience a feeling of pelvic pressure or heaviness when the pelvic floor muscles become too tight. This is due to the increased tension in the area, which can cause nerves to be compressed and put pressure on your organs. Additionally, you may feel like your pelvic area is heavy or that you’re carrying something in it. 


Common Causes Of Tight Pelvic Floor Muscles

There are many different things that can lead to minor tightness in the pelvic floor muscles. These things can lead to many of the symptoms you may be experiencing. Fortunately, these issues are either temporary or can be easily corrected. These include:

  • Stress and anxiety: If you’re experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety, it can cause your pelvic floor muscles to become tense and tight.
  • Poor posture: Sitting in a slumped position for a long time can cause your pelvic floor muscles to become too tight.
  • High-impact exercise: Repetitive or impactful exercises such as running or jumping can pressure the pelvic floor muscles, leading to tightness and tension.
  • Weak abdominal and core muscles: Weak abdominal and core muscles can increase pressure on your pelvic floor muscles, resulting in tightness.
  • Tight clothing: If you wear tight clothing, such as jeans or pants, it can put pressure on your pelvic floor muscles, leading to tense and tight muscles.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth: During pregnancy, the pelvic floor muscles are stretched and weakened. After childbirth, it is important to do pelvic floor exercises to help regain strength in these muscles. 


Possible Conditions Leading To Tight Pelvic Muscles

In addition to some of the temporary issues that can lead to minor tightness, some underlying conditions can also cause tight pelvic muscles. These conditions are more serious and require more comprehensive medical treatment to treat the symptoms you’re experiencing. These medical conditions include:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): IBS is a chronic condition that affects your large intestine, causing abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and/or diarrhea. It is believed to be caused by an imbalance in your gut bacteria, causing an overactivity of the muscles in the pelvic floor. This can result in increased tension and tightness in these muscles, which can cause the symptoms associated with tight pelvic floor muscles.
  • Endometriosis: Endometriosis is a condition in which tissue that resembles the endometrium (the tissue that lines your uterus) grows outside the uterus. Endometriosis can cause severe pain and inflammation in the pelvic area, which can lead to tightness in the pelvic floor muscles due to increased pressure on the nerves.
  • Hypertonic pelvic floor dysfunction: Hypertonic pelvic floor dysfunction causes the pelvic floor muscles to become too tight to relax, leading to a wide range of symptoms, including difficulty urinating and pain. This condition is usually caused by weak abdominal muscles or chronic stress and anxiety.
  • Muscular dysfunction: Muscular dysfunction is when the muscles become too tight or weak, leading to pain and discomfort. This can be caused by injury, congenital defects, or overuse. Regarding pelvic floor muscles, muscular dysfunction can lead to increased tension and tightness in the area. 


Conventional Approaches To Manage Discomfort

For minor tightness, a few conventional at-home treatment solutions can relieve mild to moderate symptoms. These treatments include the following:

  • Medications: Over-the-counter (OTC) medications, such as acetaminophen, can help reduce inflammation and relieve pain associated with the tightness in your pelvic floor muscles. However, such medications only provide temporary relief.
  • Hot/cold compress: Using a hot or cold compress can help relax your pelvic floor muscles and reduce discomfort.
  • Relaxation exercises: Certain exercises, such as deep breathing and stretching, can relieve tension in your pelvic floor muscles.
  • Avoiding irritants: Avoiding tight clothing, high-impact exercises, and other irritants can help reduce pelvic floor muscle tension.
  • Kegel exercises: Kegel exercises are designed to help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, reducing tension and tightness in the area, and can help improve bladder control.
  • Biofeedback: Biofeedback is a mind/body technique that involves gaining a better awareness of the body and learning to control it. It can help you to identify and relax tight muscles, allowing for more efficient bladder function. 


How We Help Manage Pain Due To The Symptoms

At Neuragenex, we use a Neurofunctional Pain Management approach to treating chronic pain associated with tight pelvic floor muscles. We do this by identifying the root cause and using a multi-faceted approach to address the pain instead of simply masking the symptoms. Our whole-person treatment plan includes drug-free, non-invasive, non-surgical, and non-chiropractic therapies to help manage your pain and inflammation. The treatment modalities include the following:



Electroanalgesia is a therapy that uses electrical stimulation (e-stim) to target pain receptors and disrupt the transmission of pain signals to the brain. This can be especially useful for tight pelvic floor muscles since the electrical impulses can help to relax the muscles.

The use of electroanalgesia also helps to increase blood flow to reduce inflammation. Unlike other types of e-stim therapies, electroanalgesia can penetrate deeper into the tissues, providing more effective and longer-lasting pain relief. This is because electroanalgesia delivers significantly more pulses per second than other e-stim treatments. Whereas something like TENS can only deliver up to 400 pulses per second, electroanalgesia can reach 10,000 pulses per second.


IV Therapy

Intravenous (IV) therapy is a form of treatment that delivers nutrients, vitamins, and minerals directly into the bloodstream. This allows for fast absorption of these essential elements by bypassing the digestive system. IV therapy helps restore balance in the body, reduce inflammation, and improve overall well-being. When it comes to chronic pain that’s caused by pelvic floor muscle tightness, nutrients such as magnesium, calcium, and vitamin B12 can help to relax the muscles, reduce pain, and promote healing.


Lifestyle Counseling

At Neuragenex, we offer lifestyle counseling as part of our whole-person approach to help our patients make necessary changes that can contribute to their healing process. Our team will work with you to identify any potential triggers for your tight pelvic floor muscles and provide guidance on how to avoid them. We also provide stress management techniques, as chronic stress and anxiety can contribute to the tension in your pelvic floor muscles. Making lifestyle changes can significantly improve your overall well-being and help manage pain caused by tight pelvic floor muscles.


Seek Immediate Medical Advice If Symptoms Persist

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms associated with tight pelvic floor muscles, it is crucial to seek immediate medical advice from a professional. Doing so can help identify any underlying conditions that may be causing your discomfort and ensure that you receive the appropriate treatment plan for your individual needs. 


At Neuragenex, we can help provide long-term relief from the pain and inflammation that are associated with tight pelvic floor muscles by addressing the neurological factors that may be contributing to the underlying conditions. Contact us today to learn more about our Neuragenex protocol and how we can help you find relief from the discomfort.

Understanding The Relationship Between Fibromyalgia And Migraines

Migraines and fibromyalgia are two complicated and often debilitating conditions that impact the lives of millions of individuals globally. While they are two completely separate conditions, there is an intriguing connection that exists between them. 

This article serves as a comprehensive guide to share with you the intricate relationship between these chronic pain conditions. You may already understand the daily challenges if you’re living with fibromyalgia, migraines, or perhaps even both. They are known to cause relentless pain and fatigue, and the way they disrupt your daily life can be overwhelming. 

Our goal is to help you understand more about these two disorders. We will discuss how the underlying causes and symptoms of fibromyalgia and migraines may be similar, even overlapping in some cases. 

We’ll also explain that while they share many features, they each have unique characteristics that set them apart. Exploring the similarities and differences is vital to understanding the full scope of their relationship with one another.

We’ll also share the various interventions that can provide relief for individuals dealing with these debilitating conditions, including both conventional and non-pharmaceutical approaches. 

Gaining a greater understanding of the available treatments may provide you with further clarity and direction to choose an appropriate health management approach tailored to your specific circumstances.

We hope to empower you with knowledge and insights that can guide you on your journey to managing these conditions. By understanding the relationship between fibromyalgia and migraines, you can make informed decisions about your health, potentially improving your quality of life.


What You Need To Know About These Two Conditions

Before we explore the similarities between fibromyalgia and migraines, let’s first gain a better understanding of each condition individually.


What Is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a complex and often misunderstood chronic health condition. It is characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue, and it affects millions of people worldwide as one of the most prevalent chronic pain disorders of clinical medicine. 

While the exact cause of fibromyalgia remains uncertain, it is widely recognized that fibromyalgia can be a life-altering condition. It is currently believed that fibromyalgia involves abnormalities in the brain’s ability to appropriately process pain signals. Several genetic and immune-inflammatory variables are also thought to contribute to its development.

In addition to generalized pain and fatigue, individuals with fibromyalgia may experience stiffness, muscle spasms, and reduced muscle endurance. An individual’s symptoms can fluctuate in intensity and are often accompanied by sleep disturbances, cognitive difficulties, and mental health concerns such as anxiety and depression.

Sadly, there is currently no cure for fibromyalgia. However, a multidisciplinary approach to management that incorporates medication, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications can greatly assist individuals in addressing their symptoms and enhancing their overall well-being.


What Are Migraines?

There are many different types of migraines, and they all fall under the category of headache disorders. Compared to your average headache, migraines are much more complicated. They are intense, recurrent headaches that can cause severe pain, nausea, and vomiting.

Migraines are also regarded as an extremely painful and debilitating condition. You might be surprised to learn that at least one in every seven adults worldwide deals with migraines

There are also numerous variations in the symptoms experienced by migraine sufferers, which might include sensory sensitivities such as sensitivity to light and odors or temporarily impaired vision. 

While some people can have distinct triggers for their migraines, the precise cause is often unclear. This can make finding an appropriate treatment strategy for adequate relief particularly challenging. Prescription medications, at-home remedies, and lifestyle modifications are among the current migraine treatment options. 

These methods may give some relief in the short term, but for people who experience migraines on a regular basis, the therapeutic alternatives can seem dismal.

We’ve uncovered the complexity of these two conditions and how they affect many people. In the next section, let’s move on to gain a deeper understanding of their shared symptoms, so we might assist in identifying their connections.


Do They Have Shared Symptoms?

It is important to explore the similarities and differences between fibromyalgia and 

migraines, particularly if you have noticed that any symptoms you are experiencing are becoming worse or more complicated. 

For instance, did you know that individuals with fibromyalgia frequently report having migraines? In 2019, a study conducted by Penn, I-Wen et al suggested that fibromyalgia may affect the frequency and intensity of migraine episodes in those who suffer from chronic migraines.

In the list below, we discuss some of the symptoms that can be shared between the two chronic conditions.

  • Pain: Debilitating pain is a common feature of both fibromyalgia and migraines, while the specific type of pain may differ.
  • Debilitating fatigue: Fatigue is commonly experienced among individuals with both fibromyalgia and migraines. Although there may be differences in the exact nature of the fatigue, it is a shared experience among many managing these conditions.
  • Digestive issues: Both migraines and fibromyalgia may be accompanied by gastrointestinal problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome, nausea, and acid reflux.
  • Sensitivity to light and smell: It is also common that both conditions cause increased sensitivity to light and strong odors, which can trigger or exacerbate symptoms.
  • Difficulty sleeping: Sleep disturbances are prevalent in fibromyalgia and are often reported in individuals with migraines. Pain, chronic inflammation, and hormonal shifts are a few factors that can lead to sleep disturbances. 
  • Difficulty concentrating and brain fog: Individuals with these conditions often report cognitive problems, such as brain fog and difficulty concentrating.
  • Mood disorder: Fibromyalgia and migraines have a major emotional impact, with anxiety and depression being typical co-occurring issues.
  • Muscle tension and stiffness: All-over muscle tension and stiffness are commonly experienced in fibromyalgia, while migraines can also lead to tension throughout the neck and shoulder regions.


Along with their common symptoms, there is a possible overlap in the many associated factors and causes of these two conditions, which we will explore in the coming section.


Causes And Contributors Of Fibromyalgia And Migraine

Recent research has indicated it is not unusual for both fibromyalgia and migraines to coexist. In fact, the same study by Penn, I-Wen, et al also revealed that people with migraines were at an increased risk of developing fibromyalgia and vice versa. 

Additionally, a similar study uncovered that over 30% of participants who reported migraine symptoms also had fibromyalgia, especially in those experiencing chronic migraine episodes. 

So, these conditions might share more connections than initially realized. Let’s take a closer look at the list below to better understand the common causes and risk factors that could contribute to the development of both fibromyalgia and migraines.

  • Sleep disturbances: Both conditions are seen to be related to restless sleep or insomnia. Inadequate sleep can exacerbate the nervous system’s pain and discomfort signals, leading to a vicious cycle of hormone imbalances.
  • Diet and nutrition: The fuel you provide your body matters more than you might realize. Dietary choices can play a pivotal role in the body’s inflammatory response, onset, and severity of these conditions. While one night of junk food won’t necessarily cause these conditions, your long-term nutrition is an important factor to consider.
  • Genetics: Your immediate family’s health history is an important associating factor to your overall health. Both fibromyalgia and migraines have strong hereditary components, so knowing your genetic predisposition may help you identify your individual risk factors.
  • Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes, including monthly fluctuations and those during menopause, can trigger or worsen symptoms of both conditions. This is also relevant for individuals with pre-existing hormonal imbalances or thyroid conditions. 
  • Environmental factors: While it cannot always be controlled, your surroundings can be a silent contributor to developing a chronic illness. Environmental factors, such as toxin exposure or certain infections, can influence the frequency and intensity of symptoms for both conditions.
  • Physical trauma and injury: Injuries or trauma can have a long-lasting impact, potentially leading to the development of chronic conditions or exacerbating existing symptoms. The onset of chronic migraines can sometimes be linked to trauma of the head, neck, or back. Similarly, trauma, whether from accidents, surgeries, or emotional experiences, has been observed in those who develop fibromyalgia.
  • Emotional factors: Leading on from trauma, emotional well-being and stress levels are also closely linked to both fibromyalgia and migraines. Emotional factors have been seen to either trigger or exacerbate the symptoms of these conditions. 
  • Overuse of medications: In rare cases, overusing certain medications can sometimes lead to what’s known as “medication-overuse headaches,” which can present similarly to migraines. Additionally, other medication side effects that impact the nervous system could contribute to the development or worsening of fibromyalgia symptoms. When taking prescription medications, it is essential to communicate closely with your doctor to find a safe balance that works for you. 


We can now see that there’s a considerable overlap between these conditions, underscoring the importance of grasping their connection and finding ways to manage them effectively. However, it is still important these two conditions are understood and treated as two separate conditions. In the next section, we will discuss their differentiating features.


Differentiating The Two Conditions

In contrast to their many shared symptoms, fibromyalgia and migraines also have distinct characteristics that make them each unique. This might seem a bit puzzling, but don’t worry – we’ll break it down in the sections below. 

These headings will help you understand what differentiates these conditions, giving you a more complete picture of both.


Fibromyalgia Symptoms And Diagnosis

Unfortunately, individuals diagnosed with fibromyalgia may experience a wide range of symptoms, but the key defining feature is the presence of widespread and persistent pain. 

This can be accompanied by fatigue, sleep disturbances, cognitive issues (often referred to as “fibro fog”), and mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. These are also defining symptoms that assist doctors in the diagnosis process. 

The diagnosis process of fibromyalgia is not an easy task and is historically delayed. For example, according to one survey in 2010, for an individual to be formally diagnosed, it can take an average of two years. 

If fibromyalgia is suspected, medical professionals will search for particular diagnostic criteria, such as the widespread pain that has lasted at least three months, combined with tenderness throughout specific body points.


Migraine Symptoms And Diagnostic Criteria

Migraines, on the other hand, are very specifically characterized by severe episodic headaches that come and go. They can also be accompanied by symptoms of nausea and sensitivity to light and sound (auras). While fibromyalgia can indeed cause headaches and migraines, it’s more characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain that persists. 

To diagnose migraines, healthcare providers consider several things, such as how often they occur, how long they last, and the intensity of each episode. A vital part of this diagnosis is also noting the periods when you’re symptom-free, as that helps differentiate migraines from other conditions, such as fibromyalgia.

Understanding the distinct symptoms and separate diagnostic criteria for both migraines and fibromyalgia allows you to distinguish the two disorders, even if their symptoms overlap. Continuing on with their differences, in the next section, we will compare and discuss how the nature of their painful symptoms might differ.


Comparing The Nature Of Pain

It’s become clear that fibromyalgia and migraines are very prevalent chronic pain conditions that significantly impact millions worldwide. We understand that pain is deeply personal and everyone’s experience is unique. And it is crucial to recognize that pain is the common thread that people with these conditions share. 

So, let’s compare the nature of pain throughout these conditions because you’ll notice some important variations when you take a closer look.

Fibromyalgia pain is known to blanket the body in persistent, generalized discomfort. However, the pain isn’t always evenly distributed; certain points on the body, known as “tender points,” may be more sensitive and painful. Some patients with fibromyalgia will mention that there are some good and bad days, where symptoms may appear but not persist throughout the day, meaning some symptoms may fluctuate in severity. 

Migraines, on the other hand, express a harsh and localized intense pain that targets the head, typically on one side. While migraines can also bring about discomfort in the neck and shoulders or sensitivity to light and sound, the focal point remains the head. Because migraines occur in episodes rather than continuously, they can be quite unpredictable, but the pain and discomfort will subside once the episode ceases. 

So, while both conditions involve pain, there are key differences in the nature and distribution of that pain. So, even though they may share similar symptoms, the nature of that pain will differ between the two conditions. Understanding these differences can help guide both an accurate diagnosis as well as appropriate, individualized treatment, as we’ll explore in the headings below. 


Interventions That May Improve Fibromyalgia And Migraine

Treatments for both fibromyalgia and migraines revolve around improving symptoms, enhancing quality of life, and preventing further progression of the conditions. There are a number of choices available to individuals, and their chosen management method will depend on their particular symptoms. 

The headings below focus on the many conventional therapies available, ranging from physical therapy to pharmaceutical options.


Pain Relievers

Pain relievers may be recommended to help reduce the widespread discomfort of fibromyalgia, whereas for migraines, they can target intense head pain. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are some over-the-counter medications that may be beneficial. Usually, more intense medications such as opioids are not utilized due to their potential for side effects and dependence. 


Antidepressants And Anticonvulsants

While antidepressant medications such as amitriptyline are typically prescribed to help manage depression, they have a versatile role in managing the symptoms of both fibromyalgia and migraines. They greatly assist with pain control and mood management in fibromyalgia, while for migraines, they aim to help regulate pain perception.

In some cases of fibromyalgia, anticonvulsant medications, such as pregabalin, are prescribed. This medication aims to reduce the sensations of pain caused by overstimulated or damaged nerve signals. Valproate is a separate kind of anticonvulsant that is frequently used to treat migraines and is utilized to reduce both their frequency and intensity. 



While the idea of acupuncture may sound unusual, it has been shown to offer some much-needed relief for fibromyalgia and migraine sufferers. Acupuncture is a helpful remedy that stimulates the release of your body’s endorphins, helping to temporarily alleviate pain and improve overall well-being.


Physical Therapy

Physical therapy exercises can address the physical aspects of both fibromyalgia and migraines. They can assist in improving an individual’s mobility and overall physical function by strengthening muscles and reducing muscular tension and stiffness. However, it is important to keep in mind that physical therapy cannot tackle the root causes of these conditions. 

While these conventional options can provide temporary relief, you can make more informed health decisions by considering advanced alternative techniques. Now let’s shift our focus to explore the non-invasive and medication-free therapies of Neurofunctional Pain Management.


Non-Invasive, Medication-Free Pain Management For Fibromyalgia And Migraine

For individuals struggling with the chronic pains of fibromyalgia and migraines, discovering enduring relief and finding an improvement in quality of life are big priorities. 

At Neuragenex, we are dedicated to offering pain management solutions that go beyond pharmaceuticals and surgical procedures, using the fundamentals of Neurofunctional Pain Management (NFPM). Our protocol encompasses a whole-person-centered approach that utilizes the following fundamental modalities of NFPM:



Electroanalgesia is a non-invasive therapy that involves high-pulse electrical stimulation, targeting the intricate connections between pain, the nervous system, and the brain. Pain signals are intercepted at the nerve’s source, targeting cellular-level pain relief. 

Electroanalgesia aims to break the loop of inflammation that leads to pain by reducing pain-stimulating messages and lowering the body’s levels of inflammation. Most importantly, long-term relief is possible because this unique therapy promotes general comfort and healing by stimulating the production of natural endorphins and neuropeptides. 


IV Therapy

Specialized hydration intravenous therapy (IV therapy) is another essential component of our approach. This therapy targets restoring essential nutrients and electrolytes directly through the bloodstream. 

This direct approach can create a supportive environment for the body to heal, promoting optimal organ function and the reduction of systemic inflammation. Additionally, our IV therapies are tailored to your individual needs, addressing your specific deficiencies that can reduce symptoms associated with chronic pain.


Lifestyle Counseling

At Neuragenex, we foster an approach to pain management that encompasses the whole person. We understand that dealing with chronic pain often goes beyond the physical sensations, where it also impacts your mental health and overall sense of well-being. 

Our comprehensive lifestyle counseling is a program that helps educate and support patients to make informed decisions that enhance their quality of life. We can have you embracing lifestyle changes that lead to sustained improvements in your comfort and reduction of uncomfortable symptoms. 

The Neuragenex protocol combines all of the fantastic elements from electroanalgesia, IV therapy, and lifestyle counseling as an innovative approach to help patients find relief from chronic pain and restore their overall health. Our goal is to improve your overall quality of life, providing you with enduring relief from the challenges and discomforts that come with conditions such as fibromyalgia and migraines. 


Relieve The Pain Symptoms Related To Fibromyalgia And Migraine

Despite being two very distinct conditions, fibromyalgia and migraines share similar symptoms, and it’s important they’re not overlooked. With the insights provided in this article, you can now better understand the links and distinctions between these conditions, guiding you toward an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment strategy.

While conventional treatments may provide relief, some individuals prefer non-pharmaceutical options. Most importantly, there are alternative therapies to medications that can address the pain and inflammation associated with both conditions, such as neurofunctional pain management offered by Neuragenex.

By addressing symptoms promptly and seeking professional guidance, you can find solutions that better manage the discomforts associated with fibromyalgia and migraines. By choosing Neurofunctional Pain Management at Neuragenex, we hope to help you find long-lasting relief and improve your overall quality of life. 

Remember, the path to lasting relief begins with early awareness, understanding your condition, and taking proactive steps. Neuragenex is here to support you every step of the way. By providing comprehensive insights, we aim to empower individuals dealing with chronic conditions to seek suitable treatment and adopt effective strategies for managing their symptoms.

Is Endometriosis Hereditary

It is estimated that 10% of women of reproductive age worldwide are currently affected by endometriosis. Endometriosis is a complex medical condition that can significantly impact a person’s quality of life, causing pain, discomfort, and sometimes fertility issues. 

One common concern that comes up for many women seeking to manage their endometriosis is whether there is a genetic component to this condition. Symptoms and causes of endometriosis can vary from person to person. 

To better understand your own experiences and susceptibility to endometriosis, it can be helpful to explore the complex genetic factors involved in its development through polygenic inheritance.

This article will provide valuable insights by expanding on the genetic variables that contribute to endometriosis and the complex interplay of genetics, environmental factors, and lifestyle factors in the development of this condition. We hope that this information will help you understand more about the potential risk factors for developing endometriosis. 

Our goal is to empower you to take your symptoms and reproductive health seriously, encouraging you to seek an accurate diagnosis and a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your individual needs. 

Let’s start by defining endometriosis and discussing what internal processes result in its variety of uncomfortable and concerning symptoms.


Understanding Endometriosis

Before we dive into the topic of genetics and endometriosis, let’s first gain a basic understanding of what this condition involves.

Endometriosis is a medical disorder where tissue resembling the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus and into the pelvic cavity. This tissue, often called endometrial implants, can affect the reproductive system by developing on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or the pelvic lining. In more severe cases, the rogue endometrial tissue can even extend to areas around the bladder, bowel, or other vital organs in the lower abdomen.

Endometrial implants can lead to a range of symptoms, including severe pelvic pain, painful menstrual periods, painful intercourse, and, sometimes, fertility issues. In severe cases where other abdominal organs are impacted, symptoms can vary from pain with urination to urinary retention and gastrointestinal upset. 

While the actual cause of endometriosis is still being researched, let’s look at some of the existing evidence in the next section.


What Causes Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is believed to be a multifactorial condition, meaning that multiple factors contribute to its development. This means that while genetic factors play a role, the growth of endometrial implants is not solely determined by one’s genes. 

Currently, it is believed that a combination of environmental factors, such as lifestyle, exposure to certain toxins, or hormonal fluctuations, also play a vital role in influencing the risk of developing endometriosis.

In saying this, the genetic components are intriguing and can be of great importance. Gene variation, expression, and regulation can contribute to the overall genetic impact on an individual’s susceptibility to endometriosis. It’s crucial to remember, though, that endometriosis will not always occur even if there is a hereditary predisposition.

Before we go deeper into the impact of a family history of endometriosis and its connection to susceptibility, let’s explain how medical conditions can have genetic components in the first place.


Is Endometriosis Hereditary?

When discussing the concepts of genetic endometriosis, it’s useful to have a basic understanding of what medical heredity is. You might be surprised to learn that many medical conditions have a genetic component, meaning that they can run in families due to shared genetic factors. 

These hereditary conditions are often a result of complex inheritance patterns, where multiple genes interact with each other as well as with the individual’s exposed environmental factors.

Endometriosis falls into this category of complex genetic interactions. It is currently believed to be inherited in a polygenic/multifactorial way. This means that multiple genes are involved in determining an individual’s susceptibility to the condition and how severe it may be.

How Polygenic Inheritance Works

So, if endometriosis is a known polygenic inheritance disorder, meaning it involves multiple genes, what genes, exactly, are responsible? While the specific genes are a subject of ongoing research, there is no known “endometriosis gene.” 

It is, however, known that the genes suspected to be involved impact various aspects of the condition. These genes have many roles, including regulating hormonal balance, maintaining normal cell structure and cycle, and influencing the immune system’s response to inflammation.

It is important to understand that genes work together in intricate ways, and the specific combinations of these genetic variations can vary from person to person. These differences in genetic variations lead to endometriosis presenting uniquely in each individual. It’s important to note again that genetic predisposition alone is not the sole cause of the condition.

How Genes Work Together In Complex Genetic Interactions

We have explored how genes are involved in endometriosis development. However, it is vital to recognize that the complex interactions between genetic and environmental factors can also contribute to the formation of endometrial implants.

Environmental factors can include hormonal fluctuations, exposure to toxins, and lifestyle choices. Simply put, a woman with a genetic predisposition to endometriosis may still not develop the condition if her hormonal balance and immune system responses are not influenced by environmental factors that trigger the condition.

This emphasizes just how complex endometriosis is and how important it is to consider both genetic and environmental factors when discussing how it develops. Researchers continue to study these complex interactions to gain a better understanding of how endometriosis arises and how it can be effectively managed.

Now we have a better understanding of what a hereditary condition is and how it presents in endometriosis, let’s shift our focus and look at some important things to consider for women with a family history of the condition.


Implications For Women With A Family History Of Endometriosis

If you or someone you know has a family history of endometriosis, there are a number of implications to consider. Having a sound understanding of your family’s medical history can provide valuable insights into your own potential risks. 

If there are close relatives, such as your mother, sisters, or aunts, who have had endometriosis, your risk of developing the condition may be higher. As a result, women who have a family history of endometriosis should be very watchful for any indications or symptoms of the disease and seek medical assistance when necessary. 

Seeking medical advice for early detection of endometriosis can be helpful in the successful management of the condition at an earlier stage, potentially preventing the onset of deteriorating symptoms.

At this point, you’re probably wondering how you can reduce your chances of endometrial implants developing. Let’s go on to explore prevention in the following section. 


Can You Prevent Endometriosis?

Unfortunately, there is no surefire method to prevent endometriosis. However, being informed and proactive about your reproductive health can make a significant difference. 

If you have a family history of endometriosis or are concerned about your risk, consider the following steps:

  • Seek medical advice: If you have a family history of endometriosis and experience symptoms like pelvic pain, painful periods, or fertility issues, consult a healthcare professional for advice. They can conduct the necessary evaluations and diagnostic tests to determine if endometriosis is the cause of your symptoms.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle: While there is no guaranteed way to prevent endometriosis, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can potentially reduce inflammation in the body, which is associated with endometriosis. Eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and manage stress to support your overall well-being.


How Experts Diagnose Endometriosis

Diagnosing endometriosis requires a comprehensive approach to make sure that all relevant factors are taken into account. Using the following diagnostic techniques, your healthcare providers—including your general practitioner and specialist gynecologist—can further evaluate your concerns: 

  • History and physical examination: The first step in diagnosing endometriosis often involves discussing your medical history and the symptoms you’re experiencing. Your healthcare provider may also perform a physical examination to check for any observable abnormalities.
  • Pelvic exam: During a pelvic exam, your gynecologist may check for detectible abnormalities such as cysts, growths, or scar tissue. While this can raise suspicion of endometriosis, it cannot provide a definitive diagnosis.
  • Imaging tests: Ultrasound or MRI scans may be used to visualize the reproductive organs and detect any abnormalities like ovarian cysts or endometrial implants.
  • Blood testing: Blood tests may be conducted to check for elevated levels of certain markers associated with endometriosis.
  • Hormone testing: Endocrinology tests may be used to assess fluctuations of hormone levels that may influence endometriosis.
  • Laparoscopy: The most reliable method for diagnosing endometriosis is through laparoscopy. This surgical procedure allows the gynecologist to directly inspect and confirm the presence of endometriotic tissue

Endometriosis can often be diagnosed by one or more of the techniques listed above, and a treatment and management plan is then determined by the condition’s severity. In the next section, we’ll review some of the conventional treatment methods.


Can Endometriosis Be Treated?

Yes, endometriosis can be treated. If endometriosis is diagnosed, the primary goal of treatment is to control symptoms and delay the course of the condition. The choice of treatment depends on several factors, including the severity of symptoms, age at diagnosis, goals of family planning, and overall health.

In some cases, treatment options include pain management and hormone therapy, usually through contraceptives. In more severe cases or cases that are at risk of impeding other organs or fertility, there are surgical interventions available that aim to remove the invasive endometrial implants. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your specific situation.

Read more about endometriosis treatment options and how Neurofunctional Pain Management techniques offer a whole-person, non-pharmaceutical, non-surgical approach to pain relief, including pain associated with endometriosis. Our protocols focus on individualized care, addressing not only the physical aspects of pain but also the emotional and psychological aspects.


Get Properly Diagnosed For Endometriosis To Ensure An Effective Treatment Plan

If you suspect you may have endometriosis or have a family history of the condition, seeking a proper diagnosis is essential to receive an effective treatment plan. Early diagnosis and intervention can help manage uncomfortable symptoms and potentially improve your quality of life.

Remember, while genetics play a role in the development of endometriosis, it’s not the sole determining factor. The condition is influenced by complex interactions between genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors. Having a family history of endometriosis can increase your risk, but it doesn’t guarantee you’ll develop the condition. 

The most crucial step is to seek medical advice if you suspect you have endometriosis or are experiencing any concerning symptoms. Early diagnosis and the right treatment plan can make a significant difference in managing this condition and improving your overall well-being.

If you or a loved one is dealing with endometriosis or chronic pain, consider exploring Neuragenex’s Neurofunctional Pain Management techniques. You’re not alone on this journey, and there are effective ways to manage the challenges that endometriosis can bring.

Why Do I Keep Getting Migraines? Understanding The Causes And Triggers

Experiencing a headache every once in a while isn’t something to worry about. Most people suffer from pain in the face and neck due to factors such as occasional stress and lack of sleep. 

However, when your headaches become recurring or chronic, there is no time to lose. Understanding what’s causing them and finding the right line of treatment are essential steps toward regaining control over your life. 

Pinpointing the root causes of chronic migraines isn’t straightforward, especially as this condition often arises from a range of factors. Nonetheless, you should not surrender to enduring ineffective therapies and the side effects of pain medications.

The innovative treatment protocol pioneered by Neuragenex – Neurofunctional Pain Management – can help you tackle the systemic inflammation that is at the root of your headaches. Ultimately, this approach can help you restore your health and put a stop to the pain without medications or surgery. Discover how in the guide below. 


Recurring Migraines

Migraines are a type of headache that affects one side of the head, with painful sensations usually affecting the forehead and the areas around the eye. The pain can spread through the head and the scalp, and it can be accompanied by a range of symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to stimuli such as light, odors, and sounds. 

Migraines can be either episodic or chronic:

  • Episodic migraine: 0-14 days of headache per month
  • Chronic migraine: 15 or more headache days per month

The frequency and intensity of migraine attacks can vary over time. You may be diagnosed with episodic migraine at first, but your condition can develop into chronic headaches over time. Conversely, chronic migraines can reverse back into episodic headaches due to health events or aging. 

In the sections below, we’ll look at the symptoms, nature, and impact of migraine. 

Common Symptoms

Each migraine is unique in terms of symptom intensity and nature. These headaches tend to develop in four distinct phases:

  • Prodrome. This “pre-headache” phase occurs between three days and 24 hours before a migraine attack. Prodrome symptoms include food cravings, neck stiffness, abnormal sensations, hyperactivity, fatigue, and excessive yawning. Being able to recognize these symptoms as soon as they occur can help you intervene to reduce the intensity or duration of a migraine attack. You can do so by avoiding triggers, resting, and reducing tension. 
  • Aura. The aura phase indicates that a migraine attack is around the corner. Aura symptoms tend to occur within 24 hours before the headache and intensify 10 – 60 minutes before the attack. These symptoms vary from one person to another and include visual disturbances (e.g. flashes of lights, tunnel vision, vision loss, and even hallucinations), sensor and motor disturbances, and speech issues, such as slurred speech. 
  • Migraine attack. This phase is characterized by headache as well as nausea, vomiting, and hypersensitivity to light and sound. We’ll look at these symptoms in more detail below. The headache phase of a migraine attack can last between four and 72 hours. 
  • Postdrome. Postdrome, also known as “migraine hangover,” occurs in the 24 – 48 hours after a migraine attack has subsided. In this phase, you may experience fatigue, muscle or joint soreness, brain fog, and lack of focus. 

While only around a third of people with migraines have premonitory symptoms such as prodrome or aura before a headache, most symptoms of a migraine attack are similar among patients with this condition. 

These symptoms include:

While these symptoms should start to subside within a few hours of the beginning of the attack, it is important to seek immediate medical attention if your symptoms last longer than two days or if they are accompanied by numbness, nosebleeds, vision loss, high fever, chest pain, or shortness of breath. These symptoms may indicate a medical emergency, such as a stroke. 


Differentiating Migraines From Regular Headaches

When looking at the official classification of headache disorders, migraines are considered to be primary headaches. Primary headaches are the ones that don’t have another underlying cause. In other words, the pain itself is the condition. 

However, new research has highlighted how migraines are, in fact, a neurological disorder that occurs due to changes in the sensory pathways, blood flow, and chemical reactions in the brain. These changes cause abnormal waves of activity among groups of excitable cells.

anatomical changes during a migraine involving the peripheral neuron, Central neuron, and blood vessels. They dilate

This peculiarity is what causes people with migraines to experience symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and reduced cognitive capabilities. There are also other signs and symptoms that will set a migraine apart from a normal headache (i.e. tension headache):

  • The presence of premonitory signs, such as prodrome or aura syndromes
  • Sensory, motor, and speech changes
  • Inflammation, which leads to an upset gut, as well as sensitivity to light, odors, or sounds

If you are unsure about the type of headache you are experiencing, obtaining an accurate diagnosis is the first step to finding the best line of treatment for your needs. 


Prevalence Of Migraines And Their Impact On Daily Life

Occasional headaches affect over half of the world’s population, while nearly a billion people worldwide (39 million in the US) suffer from migraines. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 25% of adults aged between 18 and 44 suffer at least one severe headache or migraine every three months. 

In terms of the impact that migraines have on a person’s life, this condition can bring on a whole host of complications. For example, patients with migraines tend to miss, on average, 4.4 days of work a year due to pain, and they live with a further 11 days of reduced productivity annually. When looking at the financial burden of migraine, patients with this condition report facing annual medical costs as high as $9,500 to manage their chronic pain. 

Other complications, which we will examine in more detail below, include sleep disturbances, a higher risk of mental health conditions, and cognitive disorders such as dementia. 

It has been seen that around a quarter of chronic migraine cases will go into remission and become episodic, which makes them far easier to manage. Nonetheless, you should not have to endure years of pain and life-limiting symptoms. Finding an adequate treatment plan can help you regain control over your life and support the earlier remission of migraines. 


Why Do People Get Migraines?

If you have been diagnosed with a migraine disorder, headache attacks can develop after exposure to certain triggers. The most common triggers include:

  • Hormonal changes (specifically the fluctuations of estrogen that occur during events such as pregnancy and menstruation)
  • Certain medications
  • Drinking alcohol 
  • High-stress levels
  • Skipping meals
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Caffeine 
  • Environmental factors such as certain foods, flashing lights, and strong odors

It is important to understand that these triggers may start a migraine attack, but they are not the root cause of migraine disorders. To this day, the real causes of migraine aren’t well understood. However, research has shown that a role is played by genetic factors, neurological aspects, medical conditions, and environmental and lifestyle influences. 

In the sections below, we’ll look at these aspects in more detail. 


Role Of Genetics

Genetics have been seen to be a critical factor in 34-64% of migraine cases. However, understanding how genetics influence the risk of developing a migraine disorder isn’t always straightforward. 

According to studies, patients with a first-degree relative with migraine (such as a parent or sibling) are twice as likely to develop this disorder. The reason for this is that genes influence how sensitive people are to changes in the environment and known migraine triggers. 

What’s more, a 2023 review shows that hereditary small-vessel disorders can increase the risk of developing migraines. The same study also reports that there are shared genetic factors between migraines and conditions such as depression and high blood pressure. This means that a patient at risk of migraine disorders is also at greater risk of developing these comorbidities. 


Impact Of Hormones On Migraines

Women are two to three times more likely than men to develop migraines. One of the main reasons for this is that females experience significant fluctuations in estrogen levels during their lifetimes. 

Estrogen is a hormone responsible for enabling and regulating the female reproductive system. While the link between changes in estrogen levels and migraines isn’t fully understood, research has shown that there are mechanisms that can lead to migraine headaches:

  • Estrogen can impact the action of serotonin, a neurotransmitter (a chemical messenger) that influences mood and pain perception. 
  • Estrogen can cause changes in blood pressure and blood vessels, which have been seen to play a role in migraines. 

Estrogen fluctuations can occur due to a wide range of factors, including:

  • Using birth control (hormonal) medications
  • Perimenopause
  • Menopause
  • Pregnancy
  • Menstruation
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Hysterectomy
  • Gender-affirming surgeries
  • Pregnancy 
  • Childbirth 

During these health events, estrogen can suddenly spike or drop, which can lead to the development of a migraine disorder. It has been seen that many women experience menstrual migraines in the days leading up to the menstruation, or within three days after the period starts.

Some of the most influential events associated with migraines include pregnancy and perimenopause. 


Migraine headaches are a common type of headache during pregnancy, alongside tension headaches. If you have been diagnosed with a migraine disorder, you are likely to notice an increase in the intensity and frequency of attacks during the first trimester, due to the quickly rising levels of estrogen and the expansion of blood vessels in the brain (due to changes in serotonin levels). 

After the third month of pregnancy, these headaches tend to ease down and become less frequent, but you may experience a new onset aura during the second and third trimesters. 


Perimenopause And Menopause

Perimenopause is a transitioning period leading up to menopause. It usually occurs in the months or years before your last period. During perimenopause, you are likely to experience spiking and dropping estrogen levels, which are accompanied by symptoms such as high-stress levels, anxiety, lack of sleep, hot flashes, and, as a result, tension headaches. 

These symptoms can act as triggers for migraine attacks, making headaches more frequent and intense during this period. Migraines tend to become less frequent or go into remission after menopause. 

During these significant changes, it is important to talk to your doctor to find treatment options that will allow you to manage your symptoms more easily. 


Neurological Factors

As we have seen above, migraine disorders are classified as neurological disorders. So, it isn’t surprising that certain neurological factors can influence how likely you are to get migraines.

In particular, neurological changes that may lead to migraines are:

  • Changes in blood flow to the brain, or conditions that cause the narrowing of blood vessels
  • Altered brain chemistry and pathways
  • Incorrect nerve signaling and neurotransmitter imbalances

Conditions that may lead to these changes include:

  • Suffering from chronic pain, which over time changes how pain signals are processed in the brain
  • Deformities in the shape and size of blood vessels in the brain 
  • Abnormal pressure in the brain 
  • Diseases such as stroke, brain tumors, and meningitis
  • Inflammatory conditions of the brain 
  • Traumatic brain injury 

Developing migraines can also increase the risk of cognitive disorders, such as an early decline of cognitive abilities, problems with memory and concentration, psychiatric conditions, and dementia. 

Cortical Spreading Depression

Cortical spreading depression (CSD) is a condition that causes a wave of sustained depolarization, or the inactivation of neurons. This wave travels through brain tissues and can cause a suppression of brain activity which, in turn, causes changes in the neurons and blood vessels in the brain. Although this disorder is highly complex, it has been seen to be associated with conditions such as seizures and brain ischemia. It is also suggested that CSD represents the underlying mechanism of the migraine aura


Serotonin Imbalance

As we explored above, the neurotransmitter serotonin – also known as 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) – may play a critical role in the development of migraine disorders. Serotonin is a chemical messenger that carries messages between the nerve cells in the brain to the nerve cells in the body, and vice-versa. 

Although this neurotransmitter plays several roles in the body, it mainly influences functions such as memory, happiness, learning, sexual behavior, hunger, and body temperature. A lack of serotonin is associated with depression, anxiety, and several other health disorders. Serotonin also plays a role in pain perception and vasoconstriction (the narrowing of blood vessels). 

Studies have highlighted that, among the many neurotransmitters in the brain, serotonin is involved with the activation of the trigeminovascular nociceptive pathway, a pain-signaling pathway composed of blood vessels in the brain and the trigeminal nerve (a nerve that runs across the side of the face). The activation of this pathway can trigger or intensify pain perception. 


Effect Of Having Certain Lifestyles

Certain lifestyle factors – as well as drastic lifestyle changes – can lead to the development of migraine disorders. These factors can also become triggers for migraine attacks. 

Learning to recognize what your triggers are can help you mitigate the effects of a migraine attack or even interrupt it altogether. You can do so by avoiding your triggers or seeking rescue medications and actions (e.g. rest, relaxation techniques, biofeedback, etc.) after exposure. 

Below, we’ll look at some of the main lifestyle factors that may be causing you to have regular headaches. 



Stress is a normal part of life. However, if you suffer from chronically high stress levels or you’ve been diagnosed with migraine disorders, this can be a major trigger for recurring headaches. 

Studies have shown that, over time, stressors can alter the brain state and increase the excitability of cortical neurons. This can lead to changes in the pathways in the brain, as well as mood and behavior alterations. These changes can impact how well your body adapts to external stimuli, and even a minor stressor can become a trigger for a migraine attack (something that would not happen to migraine-free people). 


Many kinds of stress can lead to headache attacks, including having a high-pressure job, enduring long commutes, raising kids, or financial stress. Interestingly, a sudden drop in stress levels (e.g., when you are ready to relax after a tough week at work) can also trigger a migraine. 


Dietary Triggers

Some foods can trigger migraine attacks and increase your risk of suffering from recurring migraines. This is due to several factors that may come into play. For example, some foods cause blood vessels to dilate (expand) or restrict, thus changing the blood flow to the brain. 

Ingredients, such as food additives, have also been seen to trigger nausea, vomiting, and headaches in people suffering from migraines. Some of the most commonly reported dietary triggers for migraines include:

  • Fermented foods
  • Pickled foods
  • Salty or spicy foods
  • Cured meats, aged cheeses, and smoked fish
  • Yeast extract
  • Chocolate 
  • Food preservatives that contain nitrites and nitrates
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Alcohol (especially beer and red wine)
  • Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
  • Caffeine
  • Some vitamins and herbal supplements 
  • High-sugar drinks 

Other important dietary factors that may trigger headaches include skipping a meal and drastic changes in blood sugar levels. You may notice that some foods can trigger a headache right away, while others cause a delayed effect. Additionally, not all the foods seen above will trigger a migraine attack in every person with migraine. 


Overconsumption Of Caffeine

Having a cup of coffee each morning can be a nice pick-me-up and a staple in your daily morning ritual. However, consuming too much caffeine – more than 100 mg of caffeine – can be a major trigger for migraines. 

Caffeine works by affecting the action of adenosine. Adenosine is a chemical readily available in the brain, responsible for controlling brain electrical activity, blood vessel widening, and functions such as sleep and movement. To manage these aspects, adenosine needs to stick to certain receptor molecules located on the surface of brain cells. Caffeine works by inhibiting the action of these receptors, and, in turn, of adenosine. 

This chain of reactions can lead to increased brain activity and the widening of blood vessels in the brain, which can contribute to migraines. However, it has been seen that, if you don’t make regular use of caffeine, a strong cup of coffee can also stop a migraine



It is estimated that over three-quarters of American adults are chronically dehydrated. However, this should not be considered a normal or healthy state of the body. Without adequate hydration, your body is unable to support essential functions, including digestion, immunity, and tissue regeneration. Poor hydration can also lead to disorders such as kidney stones, urinary tract infections, and migraines. 

Although it isn’t entirely clear how dehydration can cause headaches, when your body isn’t getting enough fluids, the brain (as well as other tissues in the body) may begin to shrink and pull away from the skull. This undue pressure can lead to a headache. 


Sleep Patterns

Irregular sleep patterns or suffering from sleep disturbances and disorders (e.g. insomnia), can lead to more frequent migraine attacks. 

For example, waking up often during the night can prevent you from staying for as long as needed in the REM sleep phase. This can increase the levels of certain proteins associated with the development of headaches. 

Additionally, studies have shown that sleep deprivation can increase self-reported pain and influence the action of serotonin, which may be involved in the development of a migraine attack. There’s a two-way relationship between sleep quality and migraines: suffering from chronic migraines can deteriorate your sleep quality over time, which makes migraines more likely. 


Connection Between Emotions And Frequent Migraines

A study published in 2020 suggests that nearly 80% of people suffering from migraine disorders experience depression at one point in their lives, and they are more likely to suffer from intense anxiety and suicidal tendencies. 

The relationship between emotional health and migraines is highly complex. Firstly, it has been seen that some genetic factors increase the risk of migraines, as well as common comorbidities such as depression and anxiety. On the other hand, the pain, reduced productivity, nausea and vomiting, and the fear of experiencing another attack can take a toll on a person’s mental health. 

Ultimately, addressing the underlying emotional factors leading to migraine attacks may help you manage the intensity and frequency of headache episodes. 


Link Between Gut Health And Long-Term Migraines

To understand how your gut health may cause you to keep getting migraines, it is important to look at the gut-brain axis. This is a bidirectional (two-way) relationship between the gastrointestinal system and the central nervous system (which is composed of the brain and spinal cord). 

It has been seen that gastrointestinal disorders such as celiac disease and irritable bowel syndrome may increase the risk of migraines. However, today, the mechanics of this interaction aren’t entirely clear. 

Hypotheses suggest that the composition of the gut bacteria, as well as inflammation, stress hormones, and nutritional imbalances, may trigger chronic migraine episodes. Additionally, 95% of the serotonin available to the body is produced in the intestine. As we have seen above, this chemical can significantly influence the brain pathways and reactions that lead to migraines.


Poor Sleep Quality

In the sections above, we’ve looked at how irregular sleeping patterns or sleep deprivation can increase your risk of suffering from frequent migraine attacks. This occurs because functions such as sleep, mood, pain perception, and, consequently, headaches are controlled by common chemical brain messengers and regions in the brain. 

What’s more, when you are not getting enough sleep, your pain threshold lowers, thus making you more susceptible to painful stimuli. Because of this, up to 75% of people with chronic migraines also suffer from sleep disorders such as insomnia.

To break this vicious cycle, follow some best practices to stabilize your sleep patterns. These include:

  • Aim to sleep 7-9 hours per night.
  • Go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day.
  • Keep your bedroom clear of devices that emit noise or light.
  • Avoid blue light-emitting devices before bed, as these can influence the production of melatonin (the hormone responsible for inducing sleep). 
  • Unwind before bed with relaxation techniques, breathing exercises, or self-care actions such as a warm bath.
  • Treat any underlying disorder that may be causing sleep disturbances, such as obstructive sleep apnea.

It is important to notice that sleeping too much can also trigger migraines. 


Identifying Triggers For Recurring Migraines 

Migraine triggers vary from one person to another, and they can even change throughout your lifetime. However, learning to recognize what’s at the root of your headache episodes can help you in two main ways:

  • It can help you avoid triggers, thus making headaches less intense and less frequent. 
  • It can help you seek contingency treatments after exposure, such as getting enough rest, lowering stress levels, and following rescue therapy. 

No two people will have the same migraine triggers. However, six of the most common triggers you should learn to recognize include:

  • Stress
  • Hormonal changes
  • Changes in your sleep patterns
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Environmental factors
  • Physical triggers, such as allergies or dental problems

If you are unsure how to identify your triggers, consider keeping a journal of your migraine attacks. In your journal, you’ll want to record details of your headache, such as premonitory signs (prodrome or aura), intensity, frequency, duration, and relevant aspects, such as how you felt when the attack happened, what you had for dinner, or notable events that happened before your symptoms started. 

This journal can help you and your healthcare provider find an adequate treatment to manage your migraine attacks. 


Conventional Treatment For Recurring Migraines

Often, the causes and triggers of migraine attacks aren’t well understood. Because of this, patients often resort to conservative lines of treatment that aim to make the symptoms of this disorder more manageable. 

These treatment options may do very little to cure or modify your disease, but they can help you in the short term to manage the most severe symptoms of migraine. Some, such as mind-body activities, may also help you better deal with triggers such as stress, sleep problems, and lifestyle changes. 

Below, we’ll look at the most common treatment options prescribed to individuals with migraines. 



One of the most common lines of treatment for migraines is medications. These can either be preventive or rescue medications, spending on whether they are taken to prevent an attack or reduce the intensity of an ongoing headache. 

  • Preventive treatments include medications to lower blood pressure, anti-seizure drugs, and antidepressants. These work by managing the blood flow to the brain and the chemical reactions involved with pain perception. 
  • Rescue treatments are prescribed during an attack, and they often involve pain medications or drugs that temporarily block the pathways in the brain related to pain (triptans). Some medications to treat individual symptoms (such as anti-nausea drugs) may also be prescribed. 

It is important to keep in mind that these medications should only be used to manage episodic, less frequent headaches. However, if you have chronic migraines, taking these medications regularly to manage your symptoms can expose you to severe side effects, including an increased risk of stroke and heart attack, kidney dysfunction, stomach ulcers, mood and behavior changes, loss of sensitivity, and, ultimately, tolerance and addiction. 


Non-Surgical Options

Non-surgical options are alternative treatments that can help you manage the symptoms of migraine disorders. Although these treatments are not always effective, they can help you better deal with triggers and relieve the intensity of a headache attack. 

These treatment options include:

  • Biofeedback. Biofeedback is a form of therapy that can help you learn to recognize negative patterns and make positive adjustments in your body, such as improving your breathing, relieving muscle tension, and gaining focus. 
  • Acupuncture. Acupuncture can help ease stress and tension, and trigger the release of hormones, such as endorphins, that induce feelings of well-being. 
  • Massage therapy. Massages can help you relax and ease muscle tension, thus staying safe from everyday triggers such as high stress levels. 
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is a type of psychological therapy that can help you identify your triggers and reduce the intensity of a migraine attack. It has been seen to reduce the severity and frequency of headaches in 30-60% of patients with migraines


Mind-Body Therapies

Certain mind-body therapies have been seen to help reduce stress, relieve tension, increase pain tolerance, and boost self-awareness, which is critical to managing how we react to stress and triggers in everyday life. Some of these therapies, which work by improving the interaction between the body and the mind, include yoga, tai chi, Pilates, meditation, praying or chanting, and guided imagery.

In particular, according to studies, mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques can efficiently improve disability, boost quality of life and self-efficacy, and reduce pain and depression in people with migraines. 


How Neuragenex Helps Manage Pain With Recurring Migraines

Chronic migraines – just like any other chronic pain condition – often stem from systemic inflammation, which has been seen as the root cause of life-limiting disorders such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, respiratory diseases, and metabolic dysfunction. 

If you are battling systemic inflammation, taking medications to ease your symptoms won’t do much to address the real source of the disease. However, chronic drug use can expose you to significant side effects and risks, which can further compromise your health in the long term. 

Nonetheless, there is a way to tackle the systemic inflammation that underlies your chronic pain. Here’s where the new, innovative protocol pioneered by Neuragenex comes in. Through a non-pharmaceutical and non-invasive approach, Neurofunctional Pain Management is designed to ease systemic inflammation, thus reducing pain and life-limiting symptoms. 

Although entirely customizable around your own unique health needs and goals, Neurofunctional Pain Management is based on three critical pillars: Electroanalgesia, IV Therapy, and Lifestyle Counseling. Let’s discover these protocols below. 



Electroanalgesia involves high-pulse electrical stimulation that targets the intricate connections between pain, the nervous system, and the brain. This non-invasive therapy can intercept pain signals at the nerve’s source, providing relief at a cellular level. By regulating the responses of the nervous system, electroanalgesia has the potential to relieve the painful symptoms of osteoporosis-related microfractures.


IV Therapy

At Neuragenex, our protocols utilize specialized intravenous therapy (IV therapy) to support your bone health. This is an efficient approach that delivers important vitamins and minerals directly to the circulatory system, boosting their bioavailability and maximizing their impact. IV therapy aims to alleviate pain by reducing inflammation with immune support and to promote bone health by optimizing the body’s bone remodeling process.


Lifestyle Counseling

At Neuragenex, we are aware that painful experiences extend to more than just physical symptoms; they also affect your mental health and feelings of well-being. Our team of experts fosters an approach to pain management that encompasses the whole person. To assist people with osteoporosis in making informed lifestyle decisions, we provide individualized lifestyle counseling. We offer advice that includes addressing the strategies that promote bone health and may decrease the progression of osteoporosis, as well as creating a positive attitude about living with this long-term condition.

Our specialized protocols utilize a combination of these innovative Neurofunctional Pain Management techniques to collaboratively address the pain associated with osteoporosis without relying on invasive treatments or prescription medications. We believe it’s essential to find a pain management strategy that best suits you and your lifestyle.


Prevent The Recurrence Of Your Pain From Happening Again

Being diagnosed with chronic migraine disorder can feel like a life sentence. But there is no reason why you should surrender to chronic pain, life-limiting symptoms, and devastating consequences. 

Thanks to the innovative treatment approach pioneered by Neuragenex – Neurofunctional Pain Management – you can regain control over your health and your life without medications or surgery.